...about the latest Manny bullshit...
Is actually what Sarah said:
Manny, if you want privacy, come work my new job for me, live in my $450 per month apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio and I'll take over the $10 million condo in the heart of a cool city, the hot Brazillian wife and the cute baby with the afro, alright?
Leave Manny alone. Yeah, he needs to play today. Oh well. He must have a reason why he can't play.
The article about him wanting out is total crap. Why do so many Red Sox fans insist on believing the bullshit media?
Posted by: Kyle | July 27, 2005 at 15:39
maybe because this has happened multiple times. the first time i gave ramirez the benefit of the doubt. now he's just starting to sound like a whining, immature brat.
Posted by: sarah | July 27, 2005 at 15:55
I agree Manny can come off selfish, but... what are you gonna do? Get rid of him? No thanks. Manny slumping is still better than 99% of MLB. Until that's not true, I'm willing to put up with personality issues.
Also... this 'Manny asks to be traded' story is the most clear-cut case of media fabrication I'e seen in a while.
Posted by: Andrew | July 27, 2005 at 23:53
what makes you say that, about the fabrication, andrew? what have you seen that convinces you of that?
Posted by: beth | July 28, 2005 at 09:22