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August 17, 2005



Once again I find my general thoughts typed out before me in your specific words. I have been urging others to demonstrate positivity and faith while undergoing my own inner crisis. I have not and will not lose this fight to enhearten my fellow Red Sox comrades!! We must unite and BELIEVE!!
Oh, yeah, the only thing I know for fucking sure is the perfection that is Billy Mueller.

Boston Fan in Michigan

So when you called me tonight, were you really convinced they were going to lose, or were you doing your magical reverse mojo thing?

Also, who do we have to screw to get Bill Mueller back in the high socks?


I pine for Billy's high socks. PINE.

Also, I doubt losing in the postseason this year would cost Tito his job. Not unless he does something catastrophic on par with what Grady Little did.


kind of unrelated, but the chisox don't scare me. have faith, grasshopper. the sox are one piece away from putting it all together, and until then, they are still leading the division by 4.5. it's a good time to be a sox fan.

Rich Kent

Tito fired after taking the Sox to the ALCS one year after winning the WS??? And with no closer and no #1 or #2 starter??? He's manager of the year material! Absolutely no way he gets fired under the circumstances you describe. Theo and the trio would lose all credibility.


//Also, who do we have to screw to get Bill Mueller back in the high socks?//

Probably too much to hope that the answer to that is, in fact, Bill Mueller, hmmm?


Also, I think Tito's safe.


sam, i truly thought they were going to lose last night. even when the score was 5-3 Sox, i thought, "watch them still blow it." and then when remlinger gave up a granny, and the tigs were right back in it, i had that creepy-crawly thought again.


All I can say is,

It's a good thing the Yanks are sucking so completely royally right now.

They make US look good.


//Probably too much to hope that the answer to that is, in fact, Bill Mueller, hmmm?//

One can only hope.


All is well until we play teams with animal mascots...

Cubs? Yak. Cards? Yak. DRays? Yak. Orioles? Yak. BJs? Yak. Tigers? Yak.

Rangers? Sweep. Chisox? Very well.


Definitly, we lose perspective big time. My boyfriend and I have long said that Boston fans and media are afflicted with (cue the dramatic music) The Doom Syndrome. It's like they're always on the lookout for anything about which they can wave their arms in the air and shout, "Doom! Doom! Inevitable doom!" Pedro lost two mph off his fastball? Doom! Manny's hitting below 300? Doom! Five errors in one week? Doom!

And the thing is, sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong, but rarely is any of it quite as dramatic as they foresee. The White Sox have me shaking in my boots right now and I don't think we've got the pitching to do what needs to get done. Still, I've never understood the desperate desire to predict, to be able to claim they saw the disaster coming, to be the one who knew in advance exactly how it was all going to collapse.

And word to getting Billy back in the high socks.

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