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August 30, 2005



Hey Beth, for what it's worth, I consider you to be a hard core Red Sox fan. Don't let anybody make you feel different!

Although I'm annoyed that we could not take advantage of the opportunities that were presented to us last month (funny how I refer to the Red Sox as 'we' and 'us') I don't think it's time to jump off a cliff either. There's still a lot of baseball left.

In regards to Bellhorn, seeing him in pinstripes doesn't bother me any more than seeing Ty Law in Jets green. Players move around. That's the way it goes. In most cases, I root for the laundry. (Now, if it were Tek or Nix wearing the effin stripes, that would be a different story.)

And don't let anybody make you feel funny about being just as passionate about The Pats as you are about the Sox either. It's ok to be hard core for both and you are definitely not alone there!! :-)

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