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December 27, 2005



In the 5th Quarter last night, Burton was saying the Tedy walked to the team bus carrying his bags after the game, so he's probably ok. Won't be surprised if he plays sparingly next week though.

It will be interesting to see how much playing time in general the starters get next week. I'll be at the game. Woo hoo!


me too!! where are you sitting?


I am not sure yet. Have not gotten the tix yet. They are from some season ticket holder who'd rather sit at home... Phht. I'll take em!

But anyway, I will let you know! We are going to try and tailgate in the Stadium Parking Lot too... Maybe we can meet up? That would be cool. I'll let you know when I have more info!


sure thing, send me an email.

Boston Fan in Michigan

Big market newspapers exist to freak their own readers out sometimes. In our case, that means DIRE STRAITS FOR THE PATS. In the case of New York papers, that means NOTHING CAN STOP THE PATS OMG WOE.


//He had that sullen face that makes me flash back to 2002 and start worrying and worrying that there's something wrong with him, although he was probably just frustrated. Please, he was just frustrated?//

I don't know if it mattered or not, but Brady was wearing a glove on his throwing hand last night. It's entirely possible that I'm forgetting something but I don't remember him ever doing that before. In fact, I seem to recall them making a big deal out of the fact that he WASN'T wearing a glove in freezing weather on other occasions. I wonder if that affected his accuracy at all. I'm not sure why he would have chosen to wear it last night when he normally doesn't except that it was apparently obscenely windy out there. Maybe it helps for grip in the wind? They weren't trusting Vinatieri with the field goal shot so it was definitely windy and Brady made another reference to the wind on WEEI this morning so it must have been bad. Anyway, just a thought. Now I'm rambling...

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