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January 15, 2006


Al D.

5 turnovers?


Yep.    5 turnovers.


I kept thinking they had Jets unis on underneath their regular duds.

I'd have more to say but I have a bottle of Night Train I need to finish.


"The airing of grievances." I like that. Very Seinfeld.


Great run, NE fans.

See you next year.

pvt pyle

Painful to watch.

33 days 15 hours until catchers and pitchers report.

This is the surely the dead part of the year.


33 days 15 hours until catchers and pitchers report.

Can't wait.

Andy K

I don't mind losing a good game against a good team, but they just plain beat themselves and that's painful to watch. On the other hand, how many of you were still glued to the TV late in the 4th thinking 'quick score, onside kick, another quick score'. At least Belichick, Brady, and the Pats have turned around the traditional NE hopeless surrender mentality.

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