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February 27, 2006



aaaah i saw that last night and i almost died my dad yelled at me for laughing so loud and i think i informed my parents fo how much i loved Gabe and how awesome Trot was more times than they would've liked lol it was awesome my favorite thing everr


I just barely managed to find out about this before it aired. And OH MY GOD. Bronson made C Is Cookie so incredibly damn emo, it will never leave my brain. Same with Trot's Cookie Monster impression.

this is a very promising start to the year.


I...I...I can't even find words for the sheer wonderfulness of this.


oh. my. god. that's ... i did not know my love for this team could reach greater heights. amazing. i'm going to watch that every day until opening day.


//Now, it may seem that I have stripped this video of all its fun, but I assure you, no amount of screencapping can dull its luster or tarnish its magic.//I have to agree on this. I heart our team.


No, you're not quite the last to see this.

Genius stuff though.


Damn, it's a shame that our team can't have fun anymore, now that Johnny Damon has left...


Slavish Devotion?

And Emma, you are not alone. I have had the Emo Cookie Song stuck in my head since Sunday night.

Boston Fan in Michigan

Bronson WILL be associated with "C is for Cookie" in my mind for the rest of his life. There is no doubt about that.

And I don't get the Stern confusion! I really don't. THEY LOOK NOTHING ALIKE. Plus he was talking at great length on the varied merits of the cookies, didn't you wonder why Alex Gonzalez didn't have much of an accent?


we've been over this.

1. i still maintain that due to a very short haircut and the crappiness of the video quality and lighting, baldness and skin tone like that of the alexes is possible.

2. i've never heard alex gonzalez speak, so i wouldn't know if he has an accent. just because someone has the last name "gonzalez" doesn't mean i assume they have an accent.


Utterly stupendous...

Boston Fan in Michigan

//just because someone has the last name "gonzalez" doesn't mean i assume they have an accent.//

No, but he's from Venezuela...


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