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April 23, 2006



I think Foulkie's getting some of his confidence back, and that's going to take him far. I was so happy to see how well he did today!!!


I'm not gonna lie i never labeled myself as a Keith Foulke fan but I didn't despise him last year either but now I tyend to stick up for him because my father is always making fun of him but i do have faith that this could be a great comeback season for Foulkie

Boston Fan in Michigan

I'm so proud.


you're goddamn right you are.


I would not pretend to be as loyal as you, Beth. But damn, I am proud.

Peter Naboicheck

MVP of the '04 series, now and forever.


beth:keith foulke :: tk:brett tomko.

it's not rational, it doesn't have to be rational. tomko went to our Hated Rivals and i still love him. i'm also going to google bomb that ish so you STAY #1!


Nice blog! Good to see other Keith Foulke fans out there! (And I'm glad he's shutting up all the haters this season.)

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