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March 25, 2007



Personally I would like to see Coco in the 2 slot. The man is a fast ball hitter and if Lugo is on base 4 out of 10 times then Coco should be able to see a lot of fast balls. In my opinion Youkilis should be the 6 slot, with Lowell in 7th slot and Varitek in the 8th. Last time I checked out probabilities this would produce 5.5 runs per game (based on Pedroia having .258 OBA and .303 Slugging, if you add 50 points to OBA and 100 for Slugging for Pedroia then it goes to 5.66). Plus Last year Lowell really struggled if he was moved out of the 7th. Still, it will be interesting to see how this all works out, because i think we can have a line up that really doubles you to death.


that's really the beauty of it, though, is what i should have added above--you can mix and match this lineup several different ways (it occurred to me after writing that varitek did not make an appearance anywhere in the top 7 with this lineup either, for example), and it will still be effective because of the way all of these guys can work off each other in different combinations. "doubles you to death" is definitely how i'd describe it, too.


How can one talk about the doubles people and this lineup without talking Dustin Pedroia?

Believe it or not, he is a key to this lineup. Lowell will disappoint those who expect his first half of last year all year this year. Tek is done - like it or not, he has been trending down offensively for about 4 years now. He'll have some hot streaks granted, but the stat line at the end of the year won't be very good.

Pedroia is really a key to this lineup working properly - if he can see as many pitches as possible and stay patient, he'll have a chance to do well. He may lead the team in called third strikes, but he'll also be creating runs like crazy. He's a Moneyball player for sure, so you may not notice it, but Pedroia should be the real deal by year end.

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