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April 05, 2007



I also didn't get to see him pitch, however I was able to listen to the 105.5 Springfield while driving and did hear the boys on the radio gush. Funniest moment was when O'Brien said lets call a gyroball if we don't see one.

He sounded good and Romero (I got home just as Coco singled up the middle) and Papel-bot looked good. If this bullpen can get out of Texas only giving up 2 or 3 runs I think the confidence level will be astronomical when they hit Fenway (only 4 more days).

Couch Potato

The best part of his interview with Tina Cervasio was when he said he "didn't feel like he was in the best condition."


I played serious hooky yesterday afternoon & got to watch the whole game. Amazing control & poise - for once, Eckersley wasn't exaggerating.

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