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April 24, 2007


maxwell horse

I feel similarly about Tavarez. And that makes it doubly sad when he doesn't come through on the pitcher's mound. Because then not only do the Sox lose the game, but there is more of a chance we won't be seeing Tavarez in a Sox uniform at the end of the year. At this point, I concede that the only reason I'd like to see him stay with the Sox is purely for his wacky personality alone.

maxwell horse

P.S. When I first saw the post title, for a second I thought you'd be writing about Wily Mo Pena. Now *that* is someone I'm having trouble finding fondness for.


poor wily mo. theo's going to have to issue another edict, i hear fans at the park are starting on him now.


The fans in the bleachers near us were AWFUL to Pena last night. Clapping and screaming loudly that he's "the best player on earth" and "in line for a gold glove" when he would successfully make a routine catch. Much loud booing and mocking all the rest of the time. I know he has some major defensive struggles and swings like a lunatic at the plate, but come on. That is no way to encourage and support your team! What are Sox fans turning into... Eagles fans? I think it's unacceptable to boo or otherwise harass one's own team members. The only exception is for obvious lack of effort, and even then I think negative feedback is not the way to go.


having booed edgar renteria at fenway, i have to say i understand the frustration and the sense of being ripped off when a touted acquisition doesn't come through for the club. on the other hand, i do think it's a bit much to be booing a young bench player making a spot start due to injury in april. and i agree with you, now in retrospect re renteria and in this case with wily mo, the negative feedback isn't going to do much to produce the desired result.

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