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April 02, 2007



We lost opening day in 2005. Last year broke something like a six year losing streak on opening day.

We made the playoffs in 2001? Really? Huh.

Either way, it amounts to nothing. One bad day does not a season make.

Couch Potato

Yeah, it's not exactly time to talk us all in off the ledge...although I'm tempted to listen to 'EEI all day just for s**** and giggles.

I can deal with Schilling having an off game - it happens, right? - but worse than that, he looked tired and old. That doesn't bode well.


Tired? and old? No, he just looked lost, and continued a trend against the Royals. His last 3 starts against KC have just been horrible. 2005 - 5 IP, 6 runs and last year 7 1/3 IP with 5 runs, throw in the 4 IP and 5 and that makes a 9.19 ERA in his last 3 starts against the Royals.


logan, i am corrected. i have amended the post. duh.

wayne and cp, i agree with both of you--that schilling may have just been continuing a bad streak against the royals in particular, but ALSO that at times he looked tired and old.

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