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May 31, 2007



Awesome shot. Thanks beth.

Boston Fan in Michigan



Regarding your May 30th entry. Pure Genious Beth. You are a navel gazer who rivals Woody Allen's navel gazing. ENJOY IT! and relax. If they Stankees sweep this weekend they're still 10.5 games back. But keep gazing at that navel...I love it.


thanks, sammy, really appreciate it! trust me, the navel will not go unwatched. :)


Beth, I actually was snapping at the same time. The kid did a little routine, where he went up to Trot with a Sox jersey on over that shirt. He proceeded to remove the jersey to reveal "Nixon 7" on the red shirt. I have pics of this here (a few down from the top): http://letsgosox.blogspot.com/2007/05/perfect-night.html

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