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May 18, 2007



On my TV just now, Alex Cora told Hazel Mae that if he was stuck on a desert island, the one teammate he'd bring along for company is Mike Lowell, which, hullo? NESN? Get on the Dougie-and-Wake-style Oprah interview already

Oh you should've seen the two in the background during the Welcome Home Dinner this year. I couldn't even concentrate on the speakers because they kept goofing off in the back...then they got busted in the Q & A portion(well more Mike than Alex, but still, he was just as embarassed)

And I'd pay good money to see that interview(not the Cora w/ Hazel thing, I saw that already). Then again, I'd also pay good money to see an event at the All Star Game of a footrace between the slowest runners on each team with the winners winning money for charity.

*btw, long time reader, I think I may have commented once or twice before. Just wanted to show some love for the bloggage. Keep up the good work*

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