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September 23, 2007


John Deringer

How many days till Moss implodes? Will the Pats trade him at the high water mark? Can he survive the season without a league fine for improp[er celebration? He mentioned "Rand University" during the previous game's introduction - a reference to a non-exostent school where he grew up. It is a sign of his simmering wacko psyche. Drop while you can. He can't lsat. He will screwup.


raiders fan?


LMAO are you serious??!! He's on a 1-year deal and he's probably the #1 or #2 receiver in the league right now. But yeah, we should drop him. Ridiculous.

Marshall Alumni

Randy Moss is a jerk. To say he is from Rand University is a smack in the face to Marshall. They gave him a place to place college football when he had screwed up and no one else would take him. Where is the loyalty to a university that has stuck behind him?

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