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September 30, 2007



DO: I wonder if the wind is involved.

JR: (incredulously) The wind pushes the moon.

DO: (defensively) I don't know! Do you have an explanation?!

I regret missing this almost as much as I regret missing the game itself.

Texas Gal

I am so glad to see that epic moon conversation transcribed -- I was near to wetting my pants with laughter when they were going on. And on. And on. And on. About the moon.

And as for Papelbon, we are all naught but pawns in his game. He is the chessmaster and we are powerless but to follow him. He is just that cool.


If you haven't seen them yet, Kelly O'Connor from sittingstill.net has a fantastic set of photos from the celebration. There's a great, great photo in there of His Joshness sporting the goofiest grin I've ever seen. And pictures of just about every other player, including our insane closer.

Yes, insane. Papelbon's antics from that night have left me speechless. I really don't know what to say or think about him now. I'm just stupified.

Thanks for the transcript of the moon conversation! I was trying to explain it to my Dad, since he fell asleep mid-game and this is *much* better.

maxwell horse

Hey, I personally love reading the "notes post" blog entries. I don't find them to be a cop-out at all. As a writer, you might feel like you're "cheating" somehow, and perhaps the notes posts don't afford the same opportunity to present a poetic "cohesive whole" that the more essay-like pieces have. But at least with the notes version you get to make observations on a lot of the little details.

Great post. Can't wait to read your observations on the inevitable Sox postseason magic.

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