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September 19, 2007



Right now, the point I want proven in this season is for the Red Sox to finally, FINALLY win the stupid AL East.

Totally with you on this. It's like "Just win the damn division! How hard can it be?"

The answer, apparently, is "Harder than we thought".


How cute, u pansies r gettin to right where u belong...SECOND PLACE. ahahahahahahah
P.S: We(the Yankees) have the perfect possible storybook ending...Angels in ALDS, Redsox in ALCS n Mets in the world series...PERRRRRRRRFECT. Life is good in New York...c u in the ALCS, if u get there that is


well, life's great in new york except for mets, jets and giants fans. that and the fact that the yankees are still at least technically in second place.

have a blast gloating before anything's even been decided yet, 27. though that does have a way of making people look like jackasses at a later date.


I've been saying all season, I just want to win the freaking Division.

We'll deal with the playoffs later, just throw us a bone, please guys.

maxwell horse

Just like Beth is having trouble finding the time/motivation to compose lengthy and meaningful blog posts, I am having a hard time finding the gumption to post a meaningful comment. All I can think to say right now is: Terry Francona is poopy.

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