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September 19, 2007



ya got to cocky


how funny, just after Paps gave it up I thought to myself, well, if the ship has to go down, I'm going down with it. Only it's really, really not funny.

maxwell horse

The Sox are a tepid bore to watch right now. I swear to God it's like watching the September team from 2006 playing. I keep expecting to look up and see Gabe Kapler out there drunkenly chasing around a gapper.

Damnit. As if my life doesn't suck enough. Is it too much to ask that the Sox provide a little bit of sunshine to my pathetic existence, rather than the raw sewage they've been pumping onto the baseball diamond night after night?


While watching last night's game, and in particular during the grand salami, was it wrong of me to already be wishing and praying for salvation in the form of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays?

Scottish James

When you find yourself turning down the sound so you can't even hear Don and Remdawg - never mind the YES bastards when you nervously flick over between innings to see how much the Yankees are up by - you know that it has come to a pretty rum place. Still - smiling manically - the magic number 'tis but 3, and who knows, maybe the wildcard is the best place for us to be when it comes to postseason matchups etc. Though right now no postseason matchups look that appetising; I wish the White sox were going to be inthe playoffs.

Scottish James

By the way a Cartoon to maybe make you laugh is up at

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