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September 19, 2007



Fantastic writing Beth! Thank you for putting into words what a lot of us (myself included) feel... Cris Collingsworthless opinion is irresponsible and malicious... Pay no mind to his rantings. And the game was great if for nothing more than to shut Tomlinsons mouth.

Rick Cecchetti

I agree with Beth. Collingsworth has never been one of my favorites. My favorite reaction was Terry Bradshaw's indignation, from the same guy who admitted that someone else took his SAT's so he could get into college. Rings a bit hollow.

I am disappointed in Coach Belichek, but an someone who has made a few mistakes in my own life, I try not to judge too harshly. And I am sure they are not the only team to film or try to steal the defensive signs - isn't that the reason they have three coaches giving the signs?

Jamie (Jameros)

What kind of shocked me was how much John Madden defended Belichick throughout the game, and admitted to trying to steal signals himself. Not justifying it, it's just interesting.

Anyone else find Billick accusing Mangini of cheating during the Jets/Ravens game somewhat satisfying? The defensive line was (illiegally) mimicking the snap count. I think he may have opened up a can of worms best left closed.

Great job Beth.


Yep Jamie, I heard Madden also... almost fell out of my chair. I've never thought Madden showed much respect to our Patriots in the past and to hear him saying / admitting what he did was somewhat satisfying. I was loving it when Billick came out with his accusations (even though it appears Billick has backed off some what and said he really was aiming his complaint at the refs for not calling the penalty). Serves Mangini (Mr. Holier than thou) right. Nice article in Sports Illustrated talking about the whole Belichick / Mangini betrayal and the "unofficial coaches code of silence". Makes for a good read.

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