A hateful P.S. to my last post: the Patriots offensive line: reason to rejoice...or cheating?�
No sooner do I finish catching up with the game and writing up my rapturous post about how great the offensive line was, than I happen to read the comment�on Jamie's game review�below. And then was immediately a-Googling.
From Newsday.com:
The Patriots may have crossed the line between gamesmanship and cheating Sunday in their win over the Jets. And apparently it isn't the first time the Patriots have taken part in such high-tech and illegal espionage.The NFL confirmed it is looking into an incident that arose during the game when a Patriots employee was confronted by the Jets and league security while filming on the Jets' sideline at Giants Stadium. The camera and its contents were confiscated and, according to a report, placed in a sealed box and forwarded to the league. It is believed the cameraman was recording hand signals used by coaches to relay defensive plays onto the field, a violation of NFL rules.The Patriots racked up 431 yards in a 38-14 win. Tom Brady and Randy Moss picked away at the Jets' coverages and the offensive linemen were able to pick up the Jets' blitzes as if they knew what was coming. Maybe they did.
My immediate reaction was: First Rodney Harrison, and now this. I've always feared in my heart of hearts that something like this would happen--that things would surface that would pick away at the pedestal I've put the Patriots on as a fan. First Rodney Harrison, the public spokesperson for the Patriots Way, falls from grace. Now this.
I did find one comment on another blog�that at least helped me keep alive�one tiny flicker of ridiculous optimism that this might turn out to be bogus:
The Patriots allegedly stole signals during the Detroit and Green Bay games last year. Teams' opponents are set by the league through 2009. The Patriots don't play either the Lions or the Packers until at least 2010. The signals will be worthless by then (even if Matt Millen is still GM in Detroit). Why would you steal signals via videotape? What's the plan? Sell the tapes on eBay?So what about stealing signals for use in the current game?
There's nothing you can get in the heat of the action with a video camera that you can't get with a pair of binoculars.
The allegations ludicrous and irrational. There is clearly no motive for videotaping signals of opponents you're not going to face for years, and there's no motive to videotape signals for use during the game in which they're taped.
It would be just like the Jets to bring the discourse to this level with the Patriots because they got their asses kicked. [Ed. note--sarcasm.] For it is written on the gates of heaven, that teams from New York and Boston shall hate one another.
But then I start thinking about who's on the other side of the ball, and why there might be a little bitterness going on between the two sides. And then I remember that Mangini used to be on our side of the ball. And might have known what to check for on the Patriots sideline...?
On the other hand, if the Patriots supposedly do this habitually, why wouldn't the Jets have done this sooner? Things haven't exactly been all sweetness and light between the teams up until now.
Maybe other Pats fans will call me out for not immediately rising to the team's defense, no questions asked. I am, of course, going to wait for the facts to come in--but�with my fingers definitely crossed.�It just worries me, because if the investigation reveals the accusations to be truthful, it would put a terrible taste in my mouth about a game that had been 100% positive.�I'm just hoping it's not true.
just more fuel on the fire...
Posted by: TJ Mims | September 10, 2007 at 20:02
I won't judge until all the facts come out, but this would be terrible if it is all true
Posted by: Samuel Lam | September 10, 2007 at 20:08
I am hoping it is not true as well, and when you think about it, it's very conspiracy theory! Anyone could be in any position in the stadium and using a digital camera could be watching signals from anyone on either bench. Coaches in the booth or the opposite sideline could be doing the same as well.
There is a bitterness in the Jets organization and its fans that is strong, and where I am glad they hate Patriot Nation, these petty moves by their team's organization are starting to get annoying.
Posted by: Mike Maddaloni | September 11, 2007 at 02:39
90% of me thinks this is B.S. The rest of me thinks that if this was going on, there are, without question, other teams engaging in the exact same thing but they are not the Patriots so it's no big deal. It doesn't seem to me that it would give much of an edge if any and it just seems like a waste of a cameraman salary.
Posted by: Angela | September 11, 2007 at 03:19
i knew your head coach wasn't that good! How many rings did you guys win by cheating?
Posted by: Jason | September 11, 2007 at 06:58
it also must be really easy for brady to look like a genius when he knows the opposing offenses exact assignments.
Posted by: Jason | September 11, 2007 at 07:00
Why steal the defencive signals, defence acts on a hunch at best and reacts to the offenceive play. If you were going to steal any thing steal the offencive signals they would be worth alot more to the team. Ever wonder why they always talk about how tiered the defence is, it seems it's not much of a factor on offence. They know where the play is going and don't have to run around second guessing the offence.
Posted by: Ted DeAngelis | September 11, 2007 at 10:18
Jason - you are correct on Brady's knowledge of the opposing offense.
He sits on the side line and watches the Patriots defense dismantle the opposing offense.
If you in fact meant to say the opposing defense. It is hard enough for a defense to understand what an offense is trying to do, signal in a call and then the 'Mike' making sure it is what they need versus what the offense shows. This all happens in a matter of seconds.
If you honestly think someone on the Pats team is watching the opposing team's sideline, deciphering the call, then informing the Pats Offensive coordinator or Belichick and so they can then change a play in even less time then it takes for the defense to figure it out then Belichick must be a genius to have figured out a way to make it work so smoothly over all these years.
If this indeed is an issue - I would have to expect it is the Pats observing opposing offensive calls into the QB that were not going through the helmet mike. This would make it easier for the defense to adjust before the snap with the people they have to block or cover.
In fact if the Pats had a history of doing this sort of action Mangini would have known (and done it himself) and questioned it in 2006 and the playoffs - not the first game in 2007.
Posted by: Brent | September 11, 2007 at 12:39
"other teams engaging in the exact same thing but they are not the Patriots so it�s no big deal. It doesn�t seem to me that it would give much of an edge if any and it just seems like a waste of a cameraman salary."
You're right, the Patriots are so oppressed! (eyeroll)
Posted by: Bo Vandy | September 11, 2007 at 14:43
Here is something that was posted at a forum I frequent and I thought it was a good argument.
I'll ask a couple questions and you answer: Coincidence or asterisk?
- Prior to 2 seasons ago, when it seems that teams started to get suspicious of the Patriots, Bill Belichick never lost to the same quarterback twice in 1 season. Since then, he has been swept twice by the same QB in 1 season. Coincidence or *?
- Patriots always beat the Colts in the playoffs. Polian kicks sideline camera men off the field for the championship game. Patriots get up big, but don't seem to make any adjustments at half time, boggling everyone's mind since The Genius always makes adjustments, and the Colts roar back and win. Coincidence or *?
- Al Harris after the Pats whipped the Pack:
"It's almost like they knew what we were doing, you know?" he said. "You have to tip your hat to them. They ran plays designed for us. They ran plays that made us check out of some things. I don't know who calls their plays, but Belichick is pretty good. Honestly, he's pretty good."
Coincidence or *?
Posted by: Travis McClellan | September 11, 2007 at 18:17
If the Patriots just have to give up draft picks, they are getting off lucky. With accusations going back to last year, you have to think that this kind of stuff has had a direct effect on the playoffs of multiple teams, costing some teams Millions of dollars in revenue, and possibly some teams of a Super Bowl. If Goodell is going to have a zero tolerance policy for the players and Odell Thurman is going to spend a second straight season suspended for a DUI, then he needs to lay down the hammer on the Patriots for this.... and in my mind, draft picks is letting it go by VERY easily.
Posted by: Doug Gray | September 11, 2007 at 20:54
Hi Travis,
The comment noted by Al Harris was the Pats offense knowing what to do against the Packs defense.
So far the video arguement has been on both side with the Pats taking signals from the opposing offense and defense.
At this point I think knwo one really knows until Goodell makes his call.
Posted by: Brent | September 11, 2007 at 22:02
Well lets hope some news source will be able to show parts of the tape. Oh, and if they cought the guy with the tape was it before half time? If it was it would be pretty hard to use it to make adjustments from it.
Posted by: Ted DeAngelis | September 12, 2007 at 03:52