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September 08, 2007



From MLB.com:

"Obviously, he was upset that he balked a run in," said Boston third baseman Mike Lowell. "I think he lost his composure. I'm sure he'd say the same thing. When guys throw as hard as he does, you have to be careful. If he hits [Pedroia] in the head, he could split him in two. That's not right. It's not our fault he balked the run in."

"he could split him in two" - is it me, or is that Lowell being very concerned and sneakily snarky all at the same time? Love it...!


Cabrera may have been crazy tonight, but he's not crazy enough to fuck with Julian Tavarez.

Ha ha ha...rightly so. That dude is @#$%in' wonky, man.


In the end, I'm glad to see that cooler heads prevailed (not you, Daniel Cabrera!). But, if I were a betting person, I'd be laying down my money that our guys would have easily taken our their guys. I kinda got the chills watching our bullpen sprinting out on the field to have our guys backs. Would you want to face an angry mob led by Beckett and Timlin?

And Lowell's nickame for Scrappy-Doo: "Pee-Wee". Freaking priceless from the King of Snarkiness!


That was the angriest I've ever heard Jerry Remy during a broadcast. And I felt the same way. Cabrera's always been a bit of a meathead on the mound, but what he did last night was one of the most cowardly things I've ever seen in a baseball game.

Quote from Pedroia (via the Globe): "I was upset they took him out of the game. He's good to hit. He's 9-15. The guy [stinks]."


The worst part of the incident may be that it overshadows Lester's start. I think that's the best I've ever seen him pitch, or at least the best velocity I can remember him having. Really impressive stuff. I hope it's something he can build on, if not this year than next.

High Hopes

In other news, I have to believe that at this point, none of Kevin Millar's teammates talk to him during Red Sox series.<<

We went to the Orioles- Red Sox games at Fenway & I'd say the opposite was true. Gametime is business, it's work time. Gotta go to batting practices to see interactions.


That bullpen of ours is nuts. I loved their impromptu water bottle jam session, too. :)

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