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September 10, 2007



As an oxymoronic Sox & Jet fan, I hope I don't piss off my fellow Bostonians by saying I'm glad the Egomaniacal and socially awkward Belichek got his ass busted finally. BTW, I'd love to get a look at the lady that's breaking up his marriage. I wonder if as Bill walks in her door to say he just officially left his wife, he'll say, "uh, I've decided not to pursue this relationship." But then his wife will say, "too late, I'm shacking up with Al Groh."


off the field stuff including marital infidelity has no place in judging someone in sports. just my opinion. no offense, sammy, but i'm really sick of that being brought up in the context of this latest issue, which took place on the field and is completely separate.

i've been blogging away on this over at mvn for any interested readers here. http://www.mvn.com/nfl-patriots>http://www.mvn.com/nfl-patriots

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