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October 08, 2007


Fantasy Football  Pats v. Browns Photos

[...] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerpt Click here for a slideshow of photos I took at Gillette Stadium yesterday. Also, kind of a side note: beyond the walls of Gillette, Foxboro is changing, almost overnight–there’s a ton of construction around Gillette Stadium for Patriots Place, the new mega-shopping / entertainment / and now, apparently, medical center. I can completely understand why the Patriots are doing that construction–I’ve long questioned why the Patriots, as one of the supposedly premier franchises in the NFL, play someplace where there really isn’t anything to do (or hardly anywhere to stay) other than in the square-mile-or-less area of the stadium. And even then, what there has been to do there is tailgate in the parking lot. Foxboro’s traditionally been the definition of blue-collar, Massachusetts town, and the area around the stadium shows it–an office building here, the End Zone Motel there, Bickford’s just up the street! There’s nothing at all wrong with that–my […] [...]

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