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November 03, 2007



Good article Jamie but I think we will will win 51-37 upsetting the colts fans in their home.I think the colts will have a good 2nd quarter and maybe pick up a score (and maybe a FG) in the 3rd but then the Pats will totally open up on both sides flashing their accumulated weapons to another stellar victory.


i like the SI prediction, Pats 34, Colts 27. i'm also more than a little scared about randy moss facing off against "Bob." (i find it hilarious their hit 'em in the mouth safety is named...Bob.)


Well my prediction was off a few points but overall a really good game. I'd be lying if I said my blood pressure wasn't a bit elevated at times. A couple questionable penalty calls were about the biggest distraction. Other than that... We have to knock down our own penalties and work at stopping the run. I was a bit disappointed in the performances of a couple players on the O-line as they didn't handle a pretty top notch Indy defense very well. But in the end... HOORAY... we're 9-0 with a bye to rest up on and plan our destiny!

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