Curt's collecting messages to Mike at his place (via Center Field).
My message, for posterity--
Mike–just as the talk about the playing atmosphere / fans in Boston had begun to seem like so much PR, you go and do something I think 99% of your fellow ballplayers wouldn’t do–choose your team over a richer offer elsewhere. Honestly, I’m flabbergasted. I love all our Red Sox, but I root for the laundry, and reminding myself baseball is a business and letting go of individual players is something I’ve grown used to as a fan. To see you reverse that pattern is nothing short of amazing to me.
You know from all the chants that started as soon as the WS was over how much you mean to Boston and how happy we are you’re staying. But it bears repeating. I, for one, can’t wait to watch you pick the ball in the hole at third and relay it to Youk–watching you and Youk work together is one of my favorite things about the Red Sox. I can’t wait, either, for your first at-bat as a member of the 2008 team; you might want to bring along some earplugs.
Credit to Curt for giving us an opportunity to truly give thanks today.
Thought you’d appreciate this post, maybe mention it in your blog.
Posted by: Jason | November 27, 2007 at 21:53
Just for the record, and I hate to agree with the "Hanky" Yankee aka George Junior, but it is a little unsightly going so ga ga over ANY player. Santana's awesome, but we just won the WS and I'm salivating at watching the growth of our kids Lester, Buchholz, et al. I hope Santana somehow goes to the Dodgers. Then we don't have to face him and we can just get on with doing what we've been doing. Building a loveable team. Plus, losing Ellsbury for anyone will disturb me. [that said...]
Posted by: Sammy | December 05, 2007 at 13:42