This Sunday, a vicious Nor'Easter is predicted to pass through New England. The clouds will begin to gather, thick and dark and ominous, late Saturday afternoon, according to By Sunday noon, the high temperature will be 27, the winds out of the Northeast at 27 mph, and conditions will only grow more grim from there. Overnight the high temperature is 12. At least a foot of snowfall is expected.
It will be, in other words, the perfect arena for what is sure to be an epic New England Patriots game against the New York Jets.
Since their infamous face-off in Week 1, the Jets have won exactly 3 games. Coach Eric Mangini, he of Shining Football Integrity early in the season, has now been accused of filming the Patriots himself last year at Gillette stadium and is struggling to keep his job. The other day Ted Johnson openly called him "in over his head" as a head coach on the radio. And have I mentioned the Jets suck?
New England fans will sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours outside the hoary reaches of Parking Lot P10, and wend their way laden with winter gear like a pack of muffled Vikings for the fortress of the stadium. They will literally sit in snowbanks to watch their amazing team take on the Hated Enemy. All while waving thermometers hung around their necks and hollering like maniacs while swigging down beer slush in plastic bottles.
I can practically feel it--the numbness in the feet and the exhiliration in the soul. Sadly, I don't think I will be, but I would love so much to be going to this game. I know just what it would feel like.
P.S. Okay, after this past Thursday's experience on the road, I take that back. But I'm still psyched for this game.