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December 25, 2007



So who were the other places/players? Beckett definitely fits as Boardwalk (of course). ALCS MVP + 20-7 + 3.27 + 4-0 + 1.29 = awesome.

Texas Gal

How do you decide which piece to play with? That's tough. I'd normally go for the ballcap... but how can you pass up the WS trophy?


I got that too for christmas but we must have different versions. Mine has Josh in the green group of squares. Weird. I like Boardwalk better. LOL


that's really weird huck! on my board josh beckett is boardwalk and tito is park place. the green players are papi, manny and mikey lowell (i think). daisuke and curt are yellow; tek is red; timlin's orange; javy lopez and jon lester are purple, coco's light blue...i had a monopoly on the low-rent players incl. coco, lester, ellsbury and bobby kielty, just past Go on the board, which turned out to be high-frequency landing spots. still, my slum-lord strategy didn't work to defeat my sister, who had a monopoly on all the high-priced spreads including curt schilling and daisuke matsuzaka and schooled us all.

it would be creepy if boardwalk is a different guy on different boards and i got the one where josh beckett is boardwalk.

TG, i picked the ballcap. my dad really wanted the trophy. i really wanted the pitcher figure but he didn't stand up too well.

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