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January 13, 2008


Andrew Farrar

Still, the Jaguars played awfully well. But the Patriots played better, at the end of the day. As you know well, young Beth, I was critical of Brady and the offence towards the end of the regular season, but last evening they were spectacular - brilliant, as near as damn it perfect.

And this weekend favourites have toppled in two of the fixtures (maybe the Greater Manning should've concentrated on his own game, instead of offering the Lesser Manning advice on beating the Patriots?). The implosion of the Cowboys in Texas was almost as spectacular as Brady's stellar performance.

But tough tasks lie ahead. San Diego will be a very tough game. And if they're defeated, it's doubtful that Brett Favre will have his head turned by a pretty starlet. And if the Lesser Manning manages to tame the Pack, well he gave New England a few problems just weeks ago.

NFL  Dear Jaguars: Asterisk This

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