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February 03, 2008



We all looked at each other when they showed Belichick on the sideline before the game and uttered a collective, "oh no".

I feel the same way about the non fg try. Bet that made Gostkowski feel really great. Ouch.

Think happy thoughts: Pitchers and catchers in 12 days!


Dear Bill,

I think you are the best coach I have ever seen and you have helped bring so much joy to the Patriots fans and my family. I am tired of the media talking about you and getting on everything you do.

You don't hug another coach they get on you, you go out to the field early to congratulate coughlin they get on you. It is ridiculous. And cheating? Please. As a Patriots fan and long time season ticket holder it would be great if you say something to the media about it to clear your name and make it so people cant say anything to the Patriot fans.

What a great season, ended only by the flukiest catch in the history of football. Thank you

Jim A.

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