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February 09, 2008


jenny again

thing one: it totally figures that my favorites are pedroia and beckett. i agree that they're more likely to merely pay lip-service to the fanbase; what they love is baseball (and WINNING). they'd do it even if no one was around to watch.

thing two: i was at fenway on 28 september 08. we stayed until the break between the 8th and 9th innings of the yanks/o's game. my friend had to be at work early the next morning, and i was meeting my dad for a beer back at our hotel. so we left. I HAVE NEVER REGRETTED ANYTHING MORE IN MY LIFE. the intimacy of the celebration between the guys who were on the field and the fans who stayed for it all, it just makes me weep with joy and with "FUCK ME I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE." sigh.

thing three: thanks again sharing for these great essays; i especially love the may recap. there is freezing drizzle outside my window right now, but my heart is back in the sunshine at the ballpark. rock on.

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