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February 05, 2008



Thanks for this, Beth- I needed some warm sports fuzzies after The Events of The Weekend.


Agreed, approximately 300%. Great read. :)


Oh my god, spring training's almost here.


My condolences on the loss.

And...yay. :)


I have to be honest and play the shrink here for a sec, if I can be so presumptious. As a diehard Redsox fan I love thinking about P&Cs coming up real soon and the look back at our WS wins. However, as a big fan of your writing I was actually looking forward to you letting all your feelings out about the Pats. Maybe it's too soon and you're still stunned, but don't hold it in - let us read about it. If I'm out of line, let me know but I was thinking after the Supe game that you are going to have quite a challenge galvenizing all your emotions to blog about it. Hope you're doing okay though. that was a tough one.


My bad, Beth. I see your post on the Superbowl was via the link to another page and I just read it. Nice job.


Said post, and the ensuing intense comments thread (which was one of several on MVN), now live here: http://confessionalpoet.typepad.com/cursed_to_first/2008/02/the-l-word/comments/page/3/#comments

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