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April 01, 2008


maxwell horse

Hey, Beth. I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well. After reading that, I tried to think of something to type that would legitimately help. I personally hate it when people say they will "pray for you," because it sounds so cliche as to be phony. Also, I think it sounds kind of condescending (not to mention largely useless).

I also thought of mentioning how I have also had some problems in my life. However, I know from personal experience, that when one is feeling bad and someone else simply responds with a "join the club" message, it doesn't make me feel any better, but rather makes me want to slap them.

All I can think to say is I very much enjoy your blog and writing. On a selfish note: I hope your funk isn't so deep that it prevents you from chronicling the 2008 Red Sox season. (But hey, if you have writer's block, no biggie.) Maybe it would make you feel better to know that when -I- am down (which is frequently), one of the things that makes me feel a bit "lighter" and more connected with the world is to read your writing. Truly.

... Anyway, on a less touchy-feely note, I was pleased to see that Papelbon was able to close the game tonight without looking hideous.

[On a baselessly negative note: I am perplexed as to why Daisuke's fastballs are now topping out at around 90 mph. Jeez, last season, 94 mph seemed to be his norm. Now his ceiling is at 90 and neither Don nor Jerry bat an eye?]


I think all baseball fans are fools for April - we emerge from our warying degrees of hibernation, rub our eyes and gaze at the new season.

But even in the slow early innings of a West Coast start, baseball is fundamentally, reassuringly, the same.

I love that you posted this is the early innings and that it's just the mere fact of baseball - not the win - which makes life feel good. Reminds me of a CD I have at home which carries the review excerpt: "This album makes your life better by its mere existence."

Thank God for baseball.


I hope you feel better too, whether it's through baseball or some other aspect of the spring season.

I hope that the fact the Sox won this one pepped you up a bit, along with DiceK's spinning 9 Ks and no walks.

Paps is now referring to himself in the third person, specifically the "vintage Papelbon."

Is this what you meant by giving him time to mature? :)


thanks everyone for your kind wishes. maxwell, i appreciate your kind words. your loyal readership and frequent comments are a boost to me too.

iain, glad you found the early innings thing a nice touch and not just evidence that i bailed on the game around midnight to go to bed. :-)

alex, jonathan papelbon falls into the tom brady category of He Can Do No Wrong with me. i admit it's irrational, but it's also, at this point, pretty much involuntary. i just find that stuff endearing. (remember i've also always liked curt schilling, so my tolerance for assholes in red sox uniforms seems to be high.)


Eckersley's sincere and passionate defense of Matsuzaka and the One Shaky Inning really touched me.

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