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May 15, 2008


Leslie Monteiro

Patriots haters got their comeuppance on Super Bowl Sunday. Now, Spygate has just gotten old and ridiculous. No one cares anymore.


Tell that to Rep. Arlen Specter. Assclown doesn't know when to quit. He kinda reminds me of HRC.

As for Pats haters, as a Pats fan I accept the fact that Belichick made a terrible move with the Pats game and they deserve the penalties they got. Everything else you want to discredit them for and want taken away from New England, well fuck you.



Agree with your take on Specter. Perhaps being a senator he doesn't have to fill up at the gas pump? Clearly he must think everything's hunky dory in the US of A.


leslie, uh, the pats lost the super bowl. not sure how that was comeuppance for the haters.

meanwhile, i think someone should conduct an 'independent investigation' into how Arlen Specter is using taxpayers' time and money. honestly. given the number of pressing issues he could and should be focusing on at this time - a foreign war, an economy in recession - his continued obsession with this issue passes beyond the absurd, in my opinion, and into the morally reprehensible.



I totally agree. One can equate it to a baseball player corking his bat. Would he ask for an independent investigation into bat corking? Filming and corking are both considered cheating, so...? He needs to move on and actually do something he was elected for, unless of course he was elected thanks to Comcast's contributions, in which case he may be trying to nail the NFL.

scoop bowl

[...] to apologize for running its anonymously-single-sourced scoop the day before the Super Bowl. ...http://mvn.com/nfl-patriots/2008/05/15/patriots-hater-nation-gets-its-comeuppance/Good, bad and the uglyThe dramatic entry of the twenty twenty cricket into the Indian cricket scene [...]


I didn't realize that anyone in the public actually knew that the Pats had been taping offensive signals.

By the time we got to Matt Walsh's meeting, the picture that Goodell was allowing the public to see was a far different one than that of early September. Had he told the public that the Pats were being punished for videotaping both offensive and defensive signals dating back to Belichick's start in New England, the public may have accepted it and moved on. Maybe not, but we'll never know.


[...] a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been a little crazy around my household lately ...http://mvn.com/nfl-patriots/2008/05/15/patriots-hater-nation-gets-its-comeuppance/Hut: Bears' Benson no longer deserves benefit of doubt Northwest HeraldCHICAGO - The Bears could [...]

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