I believe the last time Josh pitched I wrote about how I look forward to his halves of innings all week between his starts. This one was definitely no exception. My work finsihed, the dishes washed, the dinner made, I sat back to watch Josh handily stomp the hopes and dreams of the Baltimore Orioles lineup.
Even by the time it was 3-2 Sox after--I can hardly believe I'm typing this--an RBI single by Kevin Millar (certainly NOT how I expected this Texan matchup to work out), I thought now we were going to see Commander Kickass get his righteous rage on and snuff out any further impudent thoughts of scoring on the Orioles side with ruthless abandon. Jerry Remy had noted that he'd 'humped up', putting some heat on the fastball, to get the first two outs of the inning on back to back strikeouts. I was sure he was going to kick into postseason gear, with Luke Scott his hapless victim.
That's about when Luke Scott hit a monstrous home run. And that's about when I shut the game off. Don't need this today.
Update: Anyone know where I can find video of the Beckett press conference? I've gone over my TiVo with a fine-toothed comb and it doesn't seem like it was broadcast. They've done that before with Josh, and I'm sure they were anticipating a doozy last night, so maybe they never showed it. But going by the quotes Bradford got (prompting genius from SG), this might have been the most epic presser yet.
I understand wanting to avoid the F-bombs on the airwaves, but guys. There's got to be video of this somewhere, and expletive-laden content not fit for TV is what the Internet is for. Bad enough I don't get my Josh fix this week, pitching-wise...but also missing the one silver lining to a Beckett loss, which is the epic presser, just adds insult to injury.
Speaking of injury! Guess who? JD Drew! In his defense, my first thought, like Kristen's, was of Hideki Matsui and, you know, that one time a while back there that I don't even want to describe because to this day it iggs me out.
After I shut the game off last night, it appears the Sox finished things out by stranding 3,402 men on base and Papi got tossed. Tampa Bay is now leading the division. Somebody call me when we're back in the correct universe.
Don't worry. The 9 game winning streak begins today. It's going to be awesome.
Posted by: maxwell horse | May 14, 2008 at 08:52
Of course, when I said "9 game winning streak," I was speaking metaphorically.
Posted by: maxwell horse | May 14, 2008 at 20:46