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August 05, 2008


maxwell horse

"he'll just wish he was never born."

It's funny because it's true.


Mitch Maier was playing centerfield last night, Gathright has been on the DL.


ooops, thanks for pointing that out!


Every ballpark has its own "house rules" which define where a ball is in and where it is out-of-play. Those rules are established in advance, in writing. Methinks this is just the Kansas City ballpark rule: a ball on the wall is still in play. At Fenway, a ball on the top of the Green Monster wall is out-of-play according to the Fenway rules. Not as if anyone could reach it, anyway: it's effectively out-of-play regardless of the Fenway rules.


On the other hand, if Bay gets credited with a home run, then his newly-found, long-lost brother Jed can't get the RBI's for his triple. And that would make Jason sad. :-)


Thanks for writing this.

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