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February 13, 2009



Yes, it was a GREAT night and a chance to be up close and personal with a living sports legend. If your personal favorite ex or current Patriot player ever does one of these appearances, I HIGHLY recommend it.


Great story Beth! With working and taking night classes I haven't had the time to see the Hall, but that's definitely tops on my list once classes are done.

Do you think that there's something to that "Matt Light as a guard," argument?

Jim Bowman

You should have seen the wrestle-offs in the small, sweaty wrestling room @ Ala. between John Hannah & Jim Krapf. Whoever won in the practice room was going to be SEC Champ. Krapf was a multiple State Champ from Delaware & linebacker on the football team. Neither could drop weight, so only one could represent Bama. Technically, Krapf was the better wrestler, but John had too much brute strength. Those wrestle-offs made the SEC Heavyweight championship an afterthought. Not only was John a great player but he came from a great football family. He was the best I've ever seen at his position.

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