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September 06, 2009


E. Christopher Clark

Well said. I saw the news on my iPhone (via Twitter) while over at my parents for lunch. When I told my dad and Stephanie, it was like the air was sucked out of the yard. We were stunned.

I've heard the reasons since, and they all make sense, but it doesn't make this move suck any less for us as longtime fans.


Yes we root for the laundry, but as the sage of comedy, Jerry Seinfeld said many years ago, a sock will hide against the side of the dryer when you open the door and make its get away. That's what happens when a favorite player gets away. It hurts, even though it's just a sock. But as you know I'm a Jet fan and older than you too, so I'm still hurting over Joe Willy going to the Rams about 30 years ago! Hope you had a great holiday weekend Beth.

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