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January 11, 2010



EXCELLENT recap of the season. There isn't one problem that contributed to this team's performance. As you state, it is the sum of all the parts of the changes with the team that added up to what we saw this year. Will be interesting to see how they respond and try to fix it,


I remember a great story about things changing as you don't realize it and the result is that it is totally different and not the same at all. "My father has a hammer that was once owned and used by Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln gave it to my great-great grandfather when they met as young boys. My great-great grandfather eventually gave the hammer to my great grandfather and eventually he gave it to my grandfather who one day replaced the worn head of the hammer. Then he gave it to my father, who replaced the handle."


Nice analogy Sammy!

Here's a question -- did this year's Patriots remind you of last year's Red Sox? Seemed like there was contrast between "on paper" and actual performance with both, similar sense of dispiritedness / underachievement. Also parallel figures of dominance (Beckett and now Brady) putting in uncharacteristically poor performances...

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