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April 11, 2010



I can only imagine what Josh's poor mother was thinking if she were watching.

Count me in the camp of those that would like to see Tek be Beckett's regular catcher. They clearly work much better together than he does with Martinez and with more rest I think Tek can be much more effective offensively.


Something tells me Josh's mom has already seen a lot. :)


//Greinke had been showered with gifts during Friday's pregame ceremonies for the Cy Young award he won last year//

All I could think during this was how awkward poor Greinke looked. By the time they got to the golf clubs he seriously looked like he just wanted the ground to swallow him up.

Thank cats Ells is ok. That was scary. But lol @ Beckett GETTING HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A FREAKING BALL and shrugging it off. I don't care if it was just a glancing blow; 99 out of 100 ballplayers call the trainer out after that.


He had one more out to get, gawdamit.


That ball going off of Beckett's head freaked me out too! Did you catch the post-game interview with him? All he could said was "It cost me a run". Eck, with his big ole Beckett man-crush, was more livid about it than anyone else.


OMG, the Eck was SPUTTERING. And as I said on Twitter, the way he was talking about Beckett sticking it out after that sounded like Billy Mays talking about OxiClean. The enthusiasm was just off the charts.

Didn't see the Beckett presser though. I'll have to look for it...


The Eck makes me feel like I'm being mellow with my Beckett love and that's saying something.

NESN didn't put the post-game Beckett interview up yet again.

Stephen Wood

Great stuff Beth! I just started following your blog and it is very well written, entertaining and informative. Thanks!


Damn, I miss baseball. Thanks for bringing me up to date, Beth!

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