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April 08, 2010



Nice post. Captures the emotions of the night. Tough loss. You're right to be very afraid for Pap. He hasn't been the same Pap for a long time. There is something just now right about him--not sharp.


I'm a diehard Sox fan and even I know Jeter doesn't suck. It's really lame that the Sox "fans" react that way.


OK, that's why I included what I think was a ridiculous number of caveats and disclaimers in this post when I was talking about that part. I believe I even said I know better and I know it was irrational, but *in that moment*, that's how I was feeling because of my frustration about the game.

I didn't even actually say it to anybody out loud. I didn't participate in the "Yankees suck" chants. I thought I'd framed it that way, as part of the irrational emotion of it all, in this post. Maybe I didn't succeed in getting that across...


...and to be honest, I think some of the other fans (I won't use scare quotes, not up to me to decide who's a real fan and who's not) know that, too. Think about when Seth Meyers on SNL "debated" with Jeter about why he sucks...I think for some (not all) there's a tongue-in-cheek element to it like that.

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