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April 17, 2010



I think it would be nothing short of hilarious if you got to see two wins tonight. From sweet seats, if I do say so myself.


I'm a couple of days late on reading (sorry!), but with hindsight being 20/20 and all, how much does this first lost in teh series hurt even more? It should have been a game that the Sox won and instead turned into a debacle, wasting a glorious outing by Beckett. I do hope the team gets their collective arses in gear soon ... it's getting painful to watch.


Also wasted a brilliant outing by Papelbon! The other weird bit of serendipity / coincidence / timing / whatever you want to call it with Friday's continuation is that had there been a 10th inning Friday night instead of Saturday, Papelbon would've been available to pitch again, meaning Bard might've worked fewer innings, meaning maybe MDC doesn't come in, meaning maybe Pat Burrell doesn't hit that homer. Instead, the game got suspended, Paps' baby boy was born Fri. night and he was unavailable Saturday b/c of the whole 'new child' thing...so that suspension looms large.

Alternatively, you can just blame Tim Bogar.

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