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May 18, 2010



I have to second what @toeingtherubber said. What a bunch of baloney! Kharmic justice for them turning around and losing the game. I did like how Remy kept pointing out that the more they argued, the more time MDC was given to warm up and that by the time the discussion was over, MDC was completely warmed up. Hee-hee!

Stephen Wood

Great stuff Beth! I remember meeting Yaz at a medical conference. He was signing baseballs for Enfamil and barely looked up, but I got my turn and I told him that he was my favorite player growing up and that I cried when he retired ( I really did) and he actually looked up smiled and talked to me for a bit about the Sox and life and i could tell he knew I was genuine. It made my day! Your stories are fantastic! Keep up the great work!


Hi Carol! I'm delighted my post bhrguot back a great memory. You know, I've read articles that mentioned the similarities between Cubs fans and Red Sox fans! Seems both teams have a particularly devoted fan base extremely loyal and passionate through thick and thin. A hot week indeed! Is it too soon to bring up the A word? (Autumn) xo

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