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December 13, 2010



So in the last two games the Patriots have outscored two first place teams 81-10. Damn.


I definitely think this defense is getting better, and I hope it continues to improve, but it will take a little more than shutting down the offensively impotent Jets and the error-prone Bears in a snowstorm to prove it.

But let's be honest, how could you be more pleased with this team over the last 10 quarters? You can't. They've been great, and hopefully they keep it up.


Pinch me! This is the best string of games I can remember the Patriots playing. Keeping fingers crossed.

Thomas Hannah

The Jets have scored 9 points and allowed 55 Points in the last 2 weeks LMAO. To make it worse they now have the Steelers.

But yeah, the Pats are all sorts of scary right now.

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