Eventually, a few years after everybody else, I finally added a Twitter account for this page, which you may or may not have actually seen due to the way it cleverly camouflages itself among all the other links on the right-hand sidebar (Typepad setting I can't do much about).
And now, in the year 2011, I have had the brilliant revelation that I should maybe get around to making a Facebook page for this sucker, too. I know, I know. I am a visionary -- no need to tell me.
So. The page, which bundles posts, links and my C2F Twitter feed, can be found here:
If you'd give 'er a "Like", I'd be much obliged.
It's also where, from now on, I will be linking gems like this...
...which are too small for blog posts (at least, my kind of blog posts), too visual for Twitter, and too awesome not to let pass without mention somewhere. There will be extra photo goodies from time to time as well.
So! I hope you'll join me on Facebook. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.
Here ends this week's shameless self-promotion. Promise.