One of the most mesmerizing aspects of a trip to Fenway is the way you usually enter the stands from the darkness beneath the stadium, first glimpsing...
...and then bursting out into full view of the open field, sometimes blinding, at first, with sunlight.
This is especially true when you sit in the bleachers. Particularly during a night game midseasson, if you arrive before the starting pitchers are warming up...
But the glimpsing, and emerging, and feeling of being dazzled, happens in the grandstand, too.
And it's no less scenic, in either case, by the end of the night.
Great pics as usual. Nice to look at while the storm rages on outside. When is TRUCK DAY?
Posted by: RJP | January 12, 2011 at 10:48
Actually having trouble finding a specific date for Truck Day 2011, but it was Feb. 6 last year.
Posted by: Beth | January 12, 2011 at 11:39
Truck Day = Feb. 8, I believe.
Posted by: Kristen | January 15, 2011 at 13:46