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February 23, 2011



See, I look at something like this, and all I can think about now is Alex Avila, who had basically this upbringing and is now a starting catcher, or Patrick Leyland, who had basically the upbringing and is well on his way. I'm sure some of them do get screwed up by the whole Big League Dad thing, but the ones who do honestly love baseball really, really, REALLY reap the benefits.


Also: SQUEE!


Yes, totally squee. I could squee forever about it.

Anyways, yeah, I mean it's obviously not without precedent -- Griffeys, Ripkens, Tito was a clubhouse kid, etc. And the fact that the things D is doing are different from Papi makes me think the interest is genuine on his part, too.

Meanwhile, on a purely selfish level, I really think it would be awesome to literally watch a baseball player grow up from start to finish.


He's quite the showman. At Fenway he can be seen tossing baseballs into the stands during BP. I worry that he's a little young to deal with Big Papi type adoration from the crowd but on the other hand the kid is having a hell of a time and if his parents are watching over him, let him have fun.

Walked the bases last year after the final game of the season at Fenway. Possibly the most fun I've had at the park!

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