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March 01, 2011



Concussions in sport these days are really, really scary. It becomes much harder to laugh at when you consider the type of long term repercussions that multiple head injuries can have on a person. I fear what will happen to the athletes in high school now when they reach their 40's and are suffering from dementia. Concussions are certainly nothing to laugh about, and cannot only end a player's career, but in some cases leave them severely impaired for the rest of their lives. It is certainly time the sports world does something to address this before we find our nursing homes filled with athletes in their 40's and 50's. I remember reading an article in SI a few years back about a retired football player who didn't want to hold his infant child because he had suffered such damage to his body he was afraid he would collapse on her or drop her. So yeah, head injuries not really funny.

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