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March 09, 2011



Very nice indeed. They all look like they are in mint condition. Very important. I understand that the overall value of cards may have gone down a bit from their hay days--still some value to them.


Every time I think about doing this I remember that I have 5000+ cards, probably 90% of the Topps cards released between 75 and 79 are in my closet in boxes.

Maybe I should at east organize the Red Sox. Unfortunately, we didn't baby our cards back in the day, so anything I have that could be valuable is not going to be anywhere near mint.


LOL, yeah... I only have about 500...

E. Christopher Clark

It occurs to me, do you know of my friend Scott's 83F Project? This post reminded me of it. Check him out at http://83f.blogspot.com/


For obvious reasons, I don't have a baseball card collection from when I was a kid.

In the UK we had albums in which we collected soccer stickers, so the concept of sports cards was not foreign to me. The odd baseball card (or pack of cards) would pop up occasionally at school, brought in by friends who had visited the US. At the age of 7, I didn't know the teams or the players or any of the history behind what was on the cards, but for someone brought up on rugby and cricket, the whole thing just seemed so exciting and exotic.

I think the cards were one more reason (along with the pace of the game, the uniforms and the baseball parks) why this weird and mysterious American sport got lodged somewhere in my subconscious, only to pop out again 10 years later, when I happened upon a highlights broadcast of the '86 World Series.

I don't own a single baseball card, but I do now have an ongoing, 25-year love-affair with the game...

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