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March 10, 2011



amen sister. there are enough distractions without his jackass being one of them. he has at times played inspired football, but has also inspired the phrase "what the hell is he thinking?" It's too bad he has apparently taken that approach in his personal life as well. There are so many things I want to bring into play here, but when it comes down to it it's fairly simple. If these allegations are true, Meriweather belongs in jail. All other discussions about his future are moot.


Nice post. Meriweather is a punk. He has played well at times, but I'd rather the Patriots build a team around players that aren't repeatedly getting themselves into situations like these.

I'm curious what Goodell will do, considering that Roethlisberger was suspended four games for being accused, but not charged, of sexually assaulting someone. Goodell's punishments are often so inconsistent.


No excuse for Meriweather in this situation. Clearly, by the reports, there is no "self-defense' here. Now he might, in fact, the innocent of all these charges. But just being in that situation show very bad judgement. "Nothing good happens after midnight!" Brandon--learn from this and grow-up.


There shouldn't be places for people like this in the NFL, period. The gift of being able to play a game for millions of dollars is a ridiculous luxury in and of itself. It's unfortunate that incidents like this seem to happen over and over again in the NFL. I understand that athletes are human and they do have normal problems like we, the common folk, do. I mean, who isn't guilty of having affairs with supermodels or drinking and doing 100 mph on a motorcycle without a helmet, or even sending pictures of our happy areas to a reporter via text messages? This stuff happens. But violent actions like these are inexcusable. I don't care if he was the best player on the team. I also would like to get back a little of the Patriot way again. I miss those days.

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