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June 30, 2011



Cameron was attractive to the Sox during the 2009 offseason because he was an excellent defensive outfielder with good power and decent on-base skills.... despite his .250 average. That's what they thought they were getting.

The Sox should have been more cautious abut his age, because injuries really killed his skills last year. And he hasn't bounced back this year. His offense and his defense appear to be gone. So what's the point in keeping him around. With Reddick apparently ready to contribute and Youkilis day-to-day with the bad ankle, they needed to call up an infielder. It was either McdDonald, Cameron or Reddick that had to go. I guess they felt they were better off dumping Cameron than optioning Reddick back to Pawtucket yet again. This is a really good sign. This tells me they're ready to go with Reddick as a fourth outfielder, which is the right thing to do.


I really hope he lands somewhere in the Majors. You can't help but root for someone like Mike


Mike was/is a pro. Did a decent job last year, but "time waits for no man".

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