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February 19, 2012



It was a good first effort from both. I'm sure they have been thinking about the first interviews of training camp. Plus the Sox PR folks trying to get them to toe the party line and "just get past it". Don't get upset, don't "talk past the sale". I would say they past the first test. Now they have to, to quote the sage from Foxboro, "do their job" and pitch.

Section 36

The only thing they needed to be sorry about last year is hanging one too many curveballs. If we made every pitcher who hung a curve apologize, it'd be a long season.

Maxwell Horse

Since the aftermath, I've read so many moronic comments under the Boston Globe article that I've actually had my own stance change towards the collapse. Sometimes the people on one "side" are so annoying, you side against them just because of it. So I'm fine that Beckett was no more contrite than he was.

Nothing he could've said would've pleased people anyway. I think some fans' rage towards the collapse, frankly, was evidence of misdirected anger over things with much more influence over their lives than a baseball season.


I confess to being somewhat indifferent to the Sox at this point. But I AM glad to see you blogging again and hope all is well in your world.


Good to see you writing again. I've missed it. Your RSS feed, I think, is busted for my LJ. I'll see about getting it fixed, and add you to my Sox Twitter feed (ScotiaSox). Good to see you back.


AHA! I KNEW the Devil Rays had claws! QUOTE: WE HAVE TO SCRAPE AND CLAW JUST TO GET A WIN AGAINST THESE GUYS!!! ENDQUOTE! And you admit this publicly! Surely you ARE the spawn of the devil! What about the horns? Is Joe Madden the Antichrist? I have heard that all Rays fans are cefrod to kiss the devil's ar se before entering the stadium in Tampa Bay is this true?And what have you done to that poor dog? You EVIL ********!Love, Houndcat

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